Ella Rae Cuddle Vegan Chenille
100% Polyester
Country of origin: Turkey

Suggested US 11 to 17
Knits to 7-11 stitches over 4in
Thick, chunky, and super soft Vegan Chenille – that is how Cuddle is best described.
Cuddle is a microfibre yarn and you might already know its type as it is used in e.g. teddies, blankets, and super soft dressing gowns. The velour-like surface is what makes the yarn so incredibly soft, that it’s hard to keep your fingers off it.
Always start and finish your projects in Baby Snuggle in the following manner:
1. Tie a small, tight knot at the end of the yarn when you are starting and again when finishing your work
2. Very carefully burn the tip of the yarn. It will melt into a little hard ball.
Repeat every time you change skeins. This will ensure that the fibers don’t “slide off” the yarn as you are working with it.